KING CHARLES III The Most PRO ISLAMIC Monarch in British History
Recently Liz Truss took over as Prime Minister of what many consider to be the most Islamophobic government in British history. A government that refuses to engage with the largest representative body of British Muslims and has designed a vicious security regime that is against them; in which one minister was dismissed because her status as a Muslim minister caused discomfort among colleagues. The government was accused this week of treating Muslims as secondclass citizens. Two days after Truss became prime minister, King Charles III ascended the British throne. A careful man, he studied Islam thoroughly, even learning Arabic extensively in order to read the Quran. The new king is the most Islamophile monarch in British history. The contrast with his government is stark. Lets find out what will this mean for the United Kingdom, but before we move on, lets hit the like and subscribe button and never miss new exciting stories on Planet Explore. , unitedkingdom, u