British Fleet Visit Turkey (1947)
Unissued, unused footage dates and locations may be unknown or unclear. British Fleet visit Turkey 1947. (Turkish titles and commentary. ) Various shots of the British fleet arriving in Turkey could be Istanbul Naval officers salute on deck. Guns of a Turkish ship fire salute. Turkish flag flies on a ship. Shot of a mosque, panning right to show ships in the harbour. C, U of the name plaque on the HMS Liverpool. Sailors arrive at a ship on a launch and officers go aboard to inspect the sailors. Shots of officers saluting and buglers playing. British naval officers come ashore and inspect Turkish ( ) sailors. Shots of officers on board ship, posing for cameras probably Turkish and British together More naval officers step out of a plane at an airfield and are driven off in cars. Shots of the men visiting several officials and attending a dinner or luncheon. They pose for the cameras with dignitaries and politicians ( ). The officers are seen getting back onto the plane. Brit