Eco Lifestyle Trait Cheats
Open Cheat Box: CTRL + SHIFT + C Add Trait Cheats Afizzionado: traitfizzyhead Champion of the People: traitchampionofthepeople EcoEngineer: traitecoengineer Eco Master: traitecomaster Entrepreneur: traitentrepreneur Influential Individual: traitnatureinfluentialindividual Master Crafter: traitmakernppc Muse of the Maker: traitmastermaker Remove Trait Cheats Afizzionado: traitfizzyhead Champion of the People: traitchampionofthepeople EcoEngineer: traitecoengineer Eco Master: traitecomaster Entrepreneur: traitentrepreneur Influential Individual: traitnatureinfluentialindividual Master Crafter: traitmakernppc Muse of the Maker: