blink 182 M+ Ms ( Original Video)
The original, banned version of the M M s video by blink182 (blink, at the time). Cargo offered the band a small budget to film a music video, to be shot for under 10, 000. Darren Doane, who had previously worked with MxPx and Pennywise, directed the video. In the clip, the trio wake up in the morning beside their girlfriends (played by hired models) and proceed to steal an item from them. They are confronted before a concert later by their significant others, and a gunfight ensues. The band s original vision was a bit different: I wanted the M+M s video to be fifty guys lined up, and have us shooting at their nuts, said DeLonge in 2001. Just a whole video of slomo closeups of these guys nuts The video was shot at Belmont Park and at SOMA, an allages punk and hardcore venue the band often headlined. An employee of Cargo Music presented the video to MTV, but network executives threw the tape out at first sight of the girls with guns, remarking, Why are you showing us this shit blink182 discord server: