Kid Explains 4th Dimension Then Goes Missing: What Happened to XKCDHat Guy
Get Surfshark VPN at and enter promo code WAVY for 83 off and 3 extra months free XKCDHATGUY NEW CHANNEL: XKCDHATGUY OLD CHANNEL: XKCDHATGUY WHY I LEFT: XKCDHATGUY METAVERSE: In 2010 a high school student known online as xkcdhatguy would take to YouTube, sharing his theory on what a hypothetical 4th dimension might be. The video was praised by the YouTube community for being easy to understand, and it has received close to 30 million views since being uploaded. Aside from the 4thdimensional theory itself, people became somewhat obsessed with the young presenter featured. He seemed wise beyond his years. Many would ask xkcdhatguy personal questions about himself, but he never shared much if anything. The curiosities with xkcd grew further when one day he mysteriously disappeared from YouTube. What actually happened to xkcdhatguy Today ill be telling the story of his rise to YouTube fame, and what caused him to leave the site. Instagram: Twitter: Discord: Patreon: