BOE Suppressors Mod 1 Nested Monocore Modular Suppressor
Luke C is at the National Rifle Association s 153rd annual annual meetings and exhibits in Dallas Texas checking out the new BOE Suppressors booth to check out their new userserviceable nested monocore modular Suppressor the BOE Mod1. The Mod1 is a modification of our extremely durable Ultra Compact Suppressor lineup. Like their predecessors, the Mod1 lineup is rated for magnum hunting calibers like 375 H H or 338RUM. The Mod1 lineup has improved thermal dispersion, and thicker wear surfaces and can be configured to fit any aftermarket QD setup with 1. 37524 threads. BOE Model1 should be available for purchase for around 1, 200 around the end of June 2024. TFB Official Apparel Sponsor is 5. 11 Tactical: FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA TFB CHAT ROOM Want to join the TFBTV chat room Use our Discord Invite: , TFBTV