CSS Variables Tutorial
IMPORTANT: Learn CSS Today Course: One of the biggest problems with CSS for many years was the lack of variables. Preprocessors like SASS and LESS were used to solve this problem, but now CSS has its own variable system In this video I will be breaking down exactly how CSS variables work. We will be covering their syntax, use cases, and how to use them in JavaScript. In the end of this video we will have a fully functioning, albeit ugly, website with theme swapping buttons. CSS Variables Article: View The Code: Twitter: twitter. .., WebDevSimplified, webdevsimplified, cssvariablestutorial, cssvariables, cssvariablesjavascript, cssvariablesvssass, cssvariablesinjavascript, cssvariablessyntax, cssvariablesexplained, cssvariablestraversymedia 20190207 oZPR78wCnY