Viktoria Listunova wins the 2021 European AA gold ( D and E Score, All Routines )
Viktoria Listunova (RUS) bested Russian teammate Angelina Melnikova and Jessica Gadirova (GBR) to win the 2021 European Artistic Gymnastics Womens All Around Final in Basel, Switzerland with four fantastic performances. Here, see how they were scored difficulty (D score) and execution (E score) in this video I know people have asked me to judge other apparatuses before, but I typically only do floor; I guess this is the first one for me. The reason I dont really do vault scores, uneven bars scores, and balance beam scores is because Im not as comfortable with them, but I would like to do more in the future. If there are any mistakes or you have any questions, please feel free to comment below theres a very strong chance that I made an error, and its always good to clear up misunderstandings. Sorry about the brevity of the annotations near the end of each routine I got this video from Gymnastea, and that channel decided to make really fast cuts after each performance. Gymnast