Why is All Life Carbon Based, Not Silicon Three Startling Reasons
Thank you to Wondrium for sponsoring today s video Signup for your FREE trial to Wondrium REFERENCE: Quantum mechanics predicts periodic table: Origin of All the Elements: Patreon members helped us greatly IMPROVE this video from its original version. Join the community: CHAPTERS: 0:00 The question is Why Carbon 1:22 First crucial factor: Complexity 5:54 Second factor: Abundance 7:06 Third factor: Stability precludes Silicon 9:29 Putting it all together 11:08 Other Forms of Life may exist already 12:16 Detailed course on this subject available at Wondrium SUMMARY: Why is carbon the foundation of life All life is based on carbon chemistry, But carbon is not the most abundant element on earth. 20 of our body is made up of carbon, but it comprises less than 1 of the mass of the earths atmosphere, ocean br, br,