Etude in genetic scale Hot Sea
Ivan Soshinsky Etude in genetic scale Hot Sea(2015) for piano modificato and live multimedia art piano modificato Natalia Cherkasova multimedia art Ivan Soshinsky Moscow House of Composers Genetic etude Hot Sea takes the listener into a new musical space of genetic scales, showing their harmonic characteristics. The etude is based on microtonal chords possible in these scales and does not use nonchord tones. In this composition symmetry is a formative element: so half of the piece is the harmonic motion from the most consonant to the most dissonant chords, and the second half(after the culmination in the golden section) is a reverse movement. Genetic scale is a special way of tuning musical instruments, which is similar to Pythagorean or tempered scale, which was revealed while studying the parameters ofDNA genetic molecules and the whole system of genetic coding. Genetic scale is similar to Pythagorean musical scale in terms of its construction algorithm, but instead of consequ