ALT MEDIA, How to Recognize a SHILL
ALT MEDIA, How to Recognize a SHILL Most of the alternative media, especially the larger alternative media can be referred to more accurately as gatekeepers. Much of the alternative media is being used also as a type of pressure valve to let off the steam of the increasingly incensed public. The problem with this is that the people are sidetracked with constantly watching alternative media and do not concentrate on taking legitimate action that would force the government to relinquish some of their draconian powers. People may spend all day passing emails back and forth to each other, in the meantime the dark forces that are eroding our rights more and more everyday, still continue to do so unabated. The alternative media keeps the giddy minds occupied while they selectively inform the masses the truths that will not damage the elite. This game has been going on in the alternative media a long time