How to crochet Gerbera flower, Cum crosetam floare Gerbera
List of abbreviation, Lista abrevieri (US, Romanian terms): mr, cm magic ring, cerc magic; ch, ocl chain, ochi de lant; slst, oa slip stich, ochi alunecat; sc, ps single crochet, piciorus scurt; hdc, pm half double crochet, piciorus mare; dc, pd double crochet, piciorus dublu; st, oc stich, ochi; sts, oc stiches, ochiuri; yo yarn over, jeteu; yo2, j2 yarn over 2 times, jeteu de 2 ori; yo3, j3 yarn over 3 times, jeteu de 3 ori; yo4, j4 yarn over 4 times, jeteu de 4 ori; R, R row, rand; inc, c increase, creste; dec, d decrease, descreste; make all stiches in one stich, faceti toate ochiurile intrun singur ochi repeat the instructions in brackets the given number of times, repeta instructiunile dintre paranteze de un numar dat de ori; Example: (3yo2)x3 means you need to make (3 times yo2 in one single stich)x repeat whats in the brackets 3 times. Follow the video steps to see details, Exemplu: (3j2)x3 inseamna ca trebuie s