Junior Developers: Get Your Priorities Straight
Let s get your technical priorities straight and get you career moving from junior to midlevel and senior Practical Module Federation Book: No BS TS (The Book): I m a host on the React RoundUp podcast: Don t forget to subscribe to this channel for more updates: Discord server signup: VS Code theme and font Night Wolf black and Operator Mono Terminal Theme and font ohmyposh with powerlevel10krainbow and SpaceMono NF 0:00 Introduction 1:01 Fix Prod 2:22 Save Drowning CoWorkers 2:55 Remove Blockers 3:32 Fix The Build 4:35 Zero Errors Fewer Warnings 5:20 Outroduc. .., JackHerrington, juniordevelopers, juniordevelopertips, juniorsoftwaredeveloperpriorities, juniorsoftwaredeveloper, juniorsoftwaredevelopertips, juniordeveloperpriorities, JuniorDevelopers:GetYourPrioritiesStraight ,bluecollarcoder, jackherringtonjuniordevelopertips 20220511 wYTL1uqLXho