Una Carta al Cielo vals ( Lucha Reyes)
Quería subir esta canción para el día de la madre en Perú (segundo domingo de mayo) pero no pudo ser. De todas maneras el día de la madre se celebra en diferentes fechas alrededor del mundo y rendirles homenaje no es cosa de un solo día, así que aquí tienen la canción ) Song, canción: Una Carta al Cielo (A Letter to the Sky) Writer, compositor: Salvador Oda Singer, cantante: Lucha Reyes Musical style, estilo musical: vals peruano (peruvian waltz) English translation Taking a poor boy by his hand to meet the sergeant, a man showed up at the police station The world is doomed he said all worked up I bring this boy to you who is very young, yet a thief Calm down and take a seat. It s pointless to shake him more. Whta is it he has stolen said the authority. He stole a ball of wool from one of my stores;