The Dreadful Business of Balding Hair Loss
Balding is a personal and emotional process that 85 of men will experience in their lives. 70 of men suffer hair loss by 35. Male pattern baldness accounts for 95 of cases worldwide and is the most common form of hair loss. Like Thanos, male pattern baldness is inevitable. For some men, male pattern baldness starts as early as the teens. For me, I started balding in my early twenties. And it sucked. With so many possible treatments with different degrees of effectiveness and cost, hair loss is a global billion dollar market with ties not just into big pharmaceuticals, but also the medical tourism of developed countries like South Korea the cosmetic surgery capital of the world. In this episode, well navigate the business of balding, the different treatments available, the companies behind those solutions, all through my own personal experience, transformation from medication to hair transplant at a prestigious clinic in South Korea. If you re interested in Dr. Kim Kyong