Hidden Truth: What is Inside Hollow MOON Its Purpose, NASA Kept This Hidden (2021)
, hollowMoon, MoonAliens, ArchangelMichael, AliensonMoon, OrionTechnologyonMoon, Orions, GalacticFederationofLight, GalacticFederation, ascension, spirituality, Nasa In this channeled session, Archangel Michael reveals some mind blowing information about what is housed inside the hollow moon, the secrets are very astounding and the implications to humanity is huge. This is one of the most important videos wherein Archangel Michael also talks about how the moon has got Orion Technology still to this day and has been used to recycle so many souls on the planet. This session is important for all humans to understand and escape this trap. If you want to know your past lives and your lesson for current lifetime and your soul name, email me at