Ayden Vice, Andreas Rund Come Back To Me
MUSIQUE EXOTIQUE presents AYDEN VICE ANDREAS RUND with COME BACK TO ME 12 VINYL DIGITAL: Artists Video Musique Exotiques Ayden Vice teams up with Czech upcoming star Andreas Rund to cast a sensual spell, repeating a summons for return. The raw harsh electro sound contrasts the melodic and percussive sensualism, emphasizing different realms of asking, from the objective to the emotional to the spiritual. The concept draws upon symbolism to create a multilayered message approaching hypnosis. DOP: Ivan Knesevic Nicolaas Kroone FX: Ayden Vice Dmytro Zernytskyi PRODUCTION: Jenna Mildenhall ASSISTED: Romain Colomer Alex Berger DESERT NINJA POLO NECK GUY: Ayden Vice THE SCIENTIST: Andreas Rund THE SEEKER: Jessica Hsia BELLY DANCER: Sarah WRITTEN, STYLED, DIRECTED EDITED by Margo Vice Musique Exotique 2019