Dying Wish Innate Thirst ( Official Music Video)
, DyingWish, InnateThirst Purchase, Stream here: Innate Thirst 7 feat. Enemies In Red on the B Side available now. Subscribe: Directed and edited by Karl Whinnery You chose to serve a world That doesn t give a fuck about you We smile at the beauty of your failure A leech to my world A burden to all A leech to my world A burden to all You reap the benefits of a world that you enthrall Sacrifices never made Fake reflections fuel my rage Sacrifices never made Fake reflections fuel my rage If I see you drowning I won t think twice Disguising a smile, turning a blind eye You don t deserve your spot here Your true face hides Masked behind the columns Transparent ugly lies If I see you drowning I won t think twice Disguising a smile, turning a blind eye I ll seal this message with my blood an