Sunshine Avalon Jazz Band Vocals Tatiana Eva Marie
BUY OUR ALBUMS ON BANDCAMP Listen to us on SPOTIFY Follow us on INSTAGRAM Sunshine is a song by Irving Berlin. It was interpreted by Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra in 1928, featuring Bing Crosby on vocals. Vocals id54055, Tatiana EvaMarie Violin Gabe Terracciano Guitar Vinny Raniolo Rhythm guitar Sara L Abriola Bass Wallace Stelzer Filmed by Adrien Chevalier in Brooklyn, NY. Sound mixed by Mike PerezCisneros. Lyrics: A lot of cobwebs in your head You re getting rusty, so you said You re feeling bad, and everything looks gray, and sad You re getting worried, yes indeed I know exactly what you need: A little sunshine will make you feel okay Give the blues a chase Find a sunny place Go and paint your face With sunshine Pay your doctor bills