Worlds widest slip and slide
I m on facebook and twitter now :) Film made by Devin Graham Composer: Christopher Escalante. You can contact him here at his website. This was shot somewhere in the As far as the exact location, it must remain top secret, sorry but I cant, wont say. Project was shot on a Canon 5D Mark II. With one lens, the L series 1635mm. 2. 8, F All of the video is straight from the camera without any color correction, or any kind of alterations. We shot this at around 4 o I wanted it to have a warmer look to it, so I manually adjusted the color balance to 10, 000 in camera. I shot everything at and the ISO was set at 100. The shutter was adjusted accordingly. I also had a B W polarize filter for all the shots that weren t filmed in the water. As far as making the shots out of the water so steady, I used