Amy Mac (+ Jake), , Light 8x02
You can find all the information you need about the song at the end of the video Instagram: therollyjogeredits My other Brooklyn NineNine, Peraltiago edits: Believe it or this is barely one minute long and yet it was hell to edit ashsksks maybe I should have waited until we got more content with Mac to make it. But I really wanted to make something with new scenes after all this time without anything here we are lol. Definitely not my best work, but hopefully good enough Anyway, I m so happy my show is back Those first two episodes were really so emotional but great overall. Seems like it s gonna be one hell of a last ride with our fave squad. (Since I didn t have that much content to work with, I decided to also use prepregnancy stuff to show the struggles Amy and Jake had to face before welcoming Mac into their family. I felt like the though your eyes will need some time to adjust to the overwhelmi