Drive A Real Hero
Drive is probably one of the most emotional movies I ve ever seen. Nothing has captured the essence of the human condition with such fidelity and intimacy. Ryan Gosling s acting is just electrifying. He goes from moments of being the sweetest guy ever to moments of pure cold blooded animosity, teetering on a tightrope of morals, trying to escape from his past. Yet he can t, it is in his nature as the scorpion. He isn t the good guy. He doesn t get the girl. He doesn t ride off into the sunset. Instead, he does his job, driving into the darkness alone because he realises and accepts this fate. That s what being a real hero is about. Not to mention, the masterful slow zooms that are so simple in execution but gorgeously capture all of the pain, distraught, happiness, all of it in one, intimately human package. , drive, arealhero, literallyme ryan gosling, electricyouth