Killing Kind
Please don t repost to Instagram or tiktok Spoilers for Toilet Bound HanakoKun, Jibaku Shonen Hanko Kun Manga I finally finished this mmv after almost a year in the works XD Anyways I recently got into Hanako by my friend Dragonrider17 who requested I make a mmv to the series so this is for her. I also want to thank SeanPNG for the inspiration and introducing me to this song (I will link to his amv below). Anyways I love editing mmvs and I did a lot of experimentation and trying new things on this particular mmv. It was fun, but same time hard lol. I also ran into the issue of having to wait out chapters cause I wanted the focus to stay on the main characters over some of the side characters in the recent arc. My friends requirement was to end this also on happier note and lol wasn t sure how the current arc would go so I am glad it did end happier than I thought. Anyways I submitted this to ALA s amv contest among a few others and I hope you all enjoy PLEASE WATCH SEAN S