Boule: Episode 3 The Early Life of Garvey
Boule 4 Available NEXT WEEK DONATE FOR EARLY SCREENING PayPal CashApp ubNewz (leave your email in note) Email: In this Episode of Boulè, we highlight the early life of Marcus Garvey from his days in London, to traveling back to Jamaica, and his first years in Harlem. Along our journey, we will encounter an ensemble cast of characters who each play their role in the ascension of Garvey. The United Negro Improvement Association, based its beginnings under the designs of the some of the most hallowed clandestine societies in the World, whom its members were a part of. Many other influential people in the life of Garvey also play significant roles such as; Hubert Harrison, Dusè Muhammad Ali, David Lloyd George, W. E. B Dubois, Booker T Washington, William Powell, Earnest Sevier Cox, John E Bruce, Arturo Schomburg, Madame CJ Walker and several others.