Lakou Mizik Joseph Ray Ogou ( Pran Ka Mwen) Official Music Video
Buy, stream Ogou (Pran Ka Mwen): Preorder Leave the Bones : Follow Leave the Bones : Release Date: 18 May 2021 Ogou is the Vodou spirit of Iron and War. A Vodou follower asks for protection from the brutality of lifes daily battles Ogou, you brought me here, take care of me. The video follows a father and son as they prepare to take part in the annual Kanaval (carnival) celebrations in Jacmel, Haiti. Credits: Father: JeanFrançois Augustin Son: Anderson Widner Augustin Codirected by Kaveh Nabatian and Joseph Ray Assistant Director: WoodJerry Gabriel Producers: Joseph Ray and Zach Niles DP: Kaveh Nabatian Editor: Yivvy Colorist: Anthony Tocchio Thanks to Hotel Cyvadier and Bel Madigra Lyrics: Ogou hoo se oumenm ki mennenm isi pran ka mwen Ogou hoo you are the one that brought me here, watch over me Papa Ogou hooo se oumenm ki mennenm isi pr