Lubed Bobagum Boba Silent Linear Switches Sound Test, By Gazzew, Voice65
These bobagum switches are only lubed, not filmed as recommended around the community and I totally see why The housings are nice and snug and sound great without film. I tried to keep the audio level as close to IRL as possible. No post edits or boosting, with the mic being 5 inches away from the board while recording. Specs: Voice65 by OwLAB in green with shelf liner case foam mod Hotswap PCB + Durock V2 stabilizers lubed with krytox 205g0. Fixed the bent wire PE Plate with silicone dampener + spacebar piece Lubed bobagum silent linear switch by Gazzew HK Gaming Modo pbt keycaps with KBDFans BoB accents Ways to support the channel Please consider shopping through the affiliate links below if you d like to support the channel AshKeebs: and using the coupon code Jaeyou should get you 5 off instock items as well Keyspresso: