Key and Minho ANNOYING each other for 15 minutes straight
peace was never an option with these two As we know, minho and key are THE iconic married couple, lovehate relationship in kpop. In 2022, there has been so much hilarious minkey content, even in my haste of trying to document it all, one video can t show the greatness, laughs, and happiness that has blossomed from this friendship. fun fact about me: the last thing i do for a video is come up with the title, even though i have a vague idea with every video i had a name in my notes, only to do a quick flick through youtube and find that someone had already named their (very funny) video that so it took me 3 hours after making the thumbnail to come up with another name : ( though, i do feel like this title encapsulates the dynamic of this video pretty well , shinee, key, minho, kpop