The Myth of Postfeminism Why the 00s Were So Sexist
Sign up for Curiosity Stream Go to and enter the code TheTake for 25 off a yearlong subscription. As our culture collectively revisits the misogynistic treatment of the Britneys, Parises, and Megans of the 2000s, we have to ask: WHY was this era so deeply toxic for women A key answer to this question is a thing called Postfeminism : the belief that misogyny and sexism are over, and therefore feminism is no longer necessary. Surely, many films or shows that can be called postfeminist contain some wonderful complexity, honesty and humor, and there are many people who identify with or take empowerment from postfeminisms emphasis on individualism and freedom. But those values cant be a replacement for addressing the structural problems that women continue to face. Support The Take: Shop our Limited Edition Merch: Support our channel and look great doing it with Take tshirts, hoodies, and more If you like this video, subscribe to ou