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Subscribe now learn all of our new techniques Insiders Group: Join the Stone Coat Countertop Insiders Group for the latest tips and tricks, your fellow Epoxy friends all join in on the Q A, project pictures, recipes, and more. Stone Coat Countertops Jingle By Johnnie Ferro Contact him for your very own custom music 3232131132 About us: Stone Coat Countertops is an epoxy based YouTube channel that will show you unique ways to DIY your way to an amazing kitchen, bath, resin art, construction, or design project on a budget. We believe in teaching skills in, woodworking, art, epoxy floors, epoxy countertops, and showing how to get realistic results to make your old laminate, tile countertop, formica, concrete countertop, garage floor, and walls look like renewed works of resin art Simply put we are always looking for our next project to help all the DIY folks, contractors, designers, artists, and hobbyist, tac