NEGATOR Regnvm Spiritvs Immvndi Drum Playthrough Wanja Nechtan Gröger
This is a drum playthrough of the song Regnvm Spiritvs Immvndi (album: VNITAS PVRITAS EXISTENTIA ) from my band NegatorOfficial Enjoy Wanja Nechtan Gröger Drum School: My Drumming Equipment: Instagram: Facebook: NEGATOR: Get the Album VNITAS PVRITAS EXISTENTIA : YouTube: NegatorOfficial Facebook: Instagram: X Drum Covers Playlist: X Tutorials Playlist: X My Double Bass Pedal settings: X Double Bass: Acoustic vs. Trigger: X TUTORIALS: Double Bass Technique Tutorial: Coordination Exercises Tutorial (Extreme Metal Drumming): Blast Beat Beginner Tutorial: Blast Beat Technique Tutorial: Double Stroke Fill In Tutorial: If you want to see more drum videos and tutorials subscribe to my youtube channel If there are any questions feel free to leave a comment Also check out my other bands , nechtan, negator, zultancymbals , blastbeats, wanjagroeger, drums, doublebass, zultan, thecymbalbrand, zultanfamily