all this time, myra roy waterloo bridge
do you think you ll remember me now i think so. i think so, for the rest of my life. D E S C R I P T I O N Waterloo Bridge is a 1940 remake of the 1931 American drama film which recounts the story of a dancer and an army captain who meet by chance on Waterloo Bridge. It stars Robert Taylor and Vivien Leigh, her first film after the success of Gone with the Wind. The film was a success at the box office and nominated for two Academy AwardsBest Music for Herbert Stothart and Best Cinematography. It was also considered a personal favorite by both Vivien Leigh and Robert Taylor. N O T E I like to think I have watched a good amount of films made during the age of Old Hollywood, yet none can ever compare to the scope and magnitude of Waterloo Bridge (except perhaps the original 1931 version). Nevertheless I mustered up the courage to post this after a friend told me to haha. I do hope you enjoy