Mae Steal x NZFW 2023
Through the untangling of classic gendered silhouettes and business attire, ranging from avantgarde distressed wear to creature wear, we aim to showcase the personification of queer distress and alienation. Highlighting the abnormal, strange and bizarre, to reclaim the origins of the word queer within our designs. , NewZealandFashionWeek See more Art Design from MaeSteal MaeSteal x NZFW 2023 Designers Team (The following tags can be found on Instagram) Creative Directors silvamaesteal coppermaesteal Event Producer coppermaesteal Fashion Designers Silva silvamaesteal Angel k0ngc0re Clara yourlocalgroupie Copper coppermaesteal Music Producer Stain stainmaesteal, KNUX kuntknux Motion Graphics Copper coppermaesteal Makeup Artist beatbyeloise rawrtothecore bishounenbelphie glamwithpoppy laneworrall Hair