among them a student by a certain name, were smashing the heads of Jewish children either with boulders, big rocks, o
among them a student by a certain name, were smashing the heads of Jewish children either with boulders, big rocks, or taking babies and smashing their heads together. They didn t want to waste a bullet on the Jewish babies. I found someone with that name she named the person who committed this horrendous crime, this disgusting murder. I found two people with that name, only the last name, who had emigrated to Canada. And this is one of the cases, for example, that never was prosecuted although in this case itself, the problem was that she didn t identify the murderer by her full name, but she identified her by her family name, Dr Efraim Zuroff, chief Nazihunter of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the director of its Israel Office, comments on impunity for the Nazis in Canada. Subscribe to club80289214, SputnikInt Источник: Sputnik International t. me, SputnikInt