Mystery Achievement Solution , Hearthstone Easter Egg
The Solution for all 4 Puzzles need for the Achievement needed to get the Phoenix Cardback First Puzzle Cards Needed: Bamboozle, Yoink, Plagiarize, Coerce and Potion of Illusion Second Puzzle Cards Needed: Minefield, Bulk Up, In Formation, Feat of Strength, Shield of Honor Third Puzzle Cards Needed: Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, Mark of the Spikeshell, Mark of the Wild, Partner Assignment, Guidance Order for the Doors in the third puzzle: MMiddle, RRight RRRMM RMMRM RRRMR RRMMR MMRRR MMRMR RRMMM MRRRM MMRMM RMMRM RRRMM MMMRM MMRMR RRMMR RRMMR MMRMR RRMRM RRRMR RRMRM MMMRR RMMMR RRMRM RRRMR MMRRR MRMRR RMRRR MRMRM RRRMM Fourth Puzzle Cards Needed: Quick Shot, Overwhelm, Snake Trap, Adorable Infestation, Dire Frenzy Trade Order for the Fourth Puzzle: Trade gold with master swordsmith Trade gold with armor vendor Trade elixir with Darkshire Alchemist Trade Bandages with Balloon Merchant Trade Jade Locket with Silver Hand Knight Trade gold with Master Swordsmith Trade gold with Armor Vendor Trade el