2021 Kosciuszko Killer Race Wrap Up : Australian Hard Enduro Championship
The Kosciuszko Killer makes round two of Australia s national hard enduro championship. Riders converge on the stunning property located just out the historic Victorian town of Corryong to test their mind, body and bike in one of Australia s hardest toughest Hard Enduro race on the calendar. From Cairns to Tasmania and everywhere in between, Australia s best Hard Enduro racers gather. A 15km natural terrain track with a short manmade prologue test track thrown in just in case Many thanks to all the volunteers who assisted to make the event possible, the property owners, the riders and of cause our supporters sponsors, to all of you, thank you Sherco Motorcycles Australia B B Off Road Engineering MITS Alloy Chad s Offroad Setups Zac Speed International Golden Tyre Australia Australasian Dirt Bike Mag Global Racing Oil Australia Rock N Roll Motorcycle Carriers Echo Inspections Dirt Bike Burrito Podcast S3 Parts Eleveit Off Road Pulse Media Website: http