How to install a tapping port flange Quick drop FSTpipe aluminum compressed air network
Easily install the tapping port flange or quick drop on your FSTpipe compressed air network. To help you install your compressed air network correctly and durably, we have compiled the key steps for quick, effective, and longlasting installation. Please follow our video to have a deeper acknowledgment Assembly steps : 1. check all the pipes, fittings, tools, and machines correctly match each other. 2. check all the accessories in each part are involved. 3. select the correct drilling tool and assemble it 4. use the quick drop hole side to position the drilling place. 5. move the quick drop and mark out the cycle center point 6. insert the assembled drilling tool into your drilling machine and lock it 7. find the cycle center and start the drill carefully 8. pay attention that for the hole size 24mm, we can use the drilling tool direct to open a perfect hole 9. for the hole size 24mm, for example, 16mm, 19mm. our drilling tool will need your mo