Baby Massage: A Practical Approach
Follow Along with RMT Sheila Hobbs with a Focus on Healthy Touch This 14 minute instructional video is all about baby massage. It has gorgeous images of parents connecting with babies and provides massage basics, clear instructions from RMT Sheila Hobbs, and demonstrations by Sheila and real parents. As always, the focus is on the importance of healthy touch for babys brain development and to build the loving relationship between parent, caregiver and baby. Baby massage is an ideal way to contribute to babys social and emotional development. Promotes Connection, Improves Sleep, Relieves Colic Learning to do baby massage is a bit like learning to cook. Reading various recipes can give a good idea of the essential aspects of the recipe that you can then modify to make it work for you. We feel that a parent, caregiver who watches all of our baby massage videos will come away with a high level of competence and confidence about baby massage. And we hope you will feel inspired to make baby massage a regul