Super Mario Bros Soundtrack Preview Composed By Brian Tyler
Letsa GO I am so excited to release my Super Mario Bros Movie soundtrack featuring orchestra, choir, drums, synths, 8bit instruments, and more Available here on all formats: The soundtrack contains my original, supermariobros score with brand new themes for Mario to Princess Peach to Bowser to many more along with so many of the iconic themes of Koji Kondo The soundtrack is out now on digital streaming platforms from BackLotMusic AND introducing the physical collection in vinyl, CD, and even old school cassette tape formats from iam8bit available to preorder now ,briantyler, supermariobrosmovie For those asking, I also conducted the orchestra and choir for the score, played the nonorchestral instruments on the album as well (drum kit, piano, percussion, bass, guitars, mandolin, synths, whistling, etc), and produced and mixed the album (Greg Hayes recorded the orchestra beautifully). Hope you enjoy. This represents my childho