President Mikhail Gorbachev Composed by Sri Chinmoy
This music video is being released as a tribute to President Gorbachev, who passed on Tuesday, August 30, 2022. Song composed on May 27th, 1990 by his dear friend Sri Chinmoy. Performed by students of Sri Chinmoy. English lyrics: Freedomgrower, freedomgiver, freedomdelight The liberatorsun of the worlds divisionnight. Lovepeacefountain, Mikhail, Earth and Heavens onenessthrill. Gorbachev, Gorbachev, Allwhere the peaceblossomtree. The masterkey of the global heart, Bondageworld free. Highlights of all of Sri Chinmoy s meetings with President Gorbachev over the years: Sri Chinmoy speaking about President Gorbachev to the media in Japan in 1992: Editor: Turvan Musical arrangement: Phoolendu , gorbachev, mikhailgorbachev, perestroika, sovietunion, berlinwall, russia