Kung Fu Hei Hu Quan, 黑虎拳 Black Tiger Claw
KungFu Hei Hu Quan, 黑虎拳 Black Tiger Claw. International federation Shaolin and Wudang KungFu. Shaolin Tiger Fist 虎拳 Hǔ Quán is one of the most powerful and technically challenging of all the Shaolin animal styles. In martial arts, the tiger stands for internal force. As a (large) cat, tiger patterns also have a smooth and soft component. However, above all, Tiger style is characterized by explosive force, fast movements, concentrated power and superiority. The tiger spirit helps to become selfconfident, to open up and to take courage. ,heihuquan, BLACKTIGER, blacktigerclaw, 黑虎拳, 虎拳, Tiger, EstiloTigre, tigerstyle, shaolinwudang