Vio Lence Let the World Burn ( OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Buy here: Follow VioLence: Produced by: Defiant Digital Productions Directed by: Robert Graves Formed in 1985, Oakland thrashers VioLence helped define and refine what came to be known as the Bay Area sound, dropping three seminal albums before splitting in 1993. Leaving behind a heady legacy, they reformed briefly a couple of times in the intervening years before becoming a fulltime going concern once more in 2019. After playing a string of successful shows, the quintet started to think about new music and in 2022 they deliver Let The World Burn, a fivesong EP showcasing their first new material in 29 years, which delivers on the classic VioLence sound. That came very naturally, states founding guitarist Phil Demmel. I hadn t written a lot of thrash in the past 17 years or so but being the main songwriter for the band over the years I wanted that sound,