One Voice
Title: One Voice Performed by Angel City Chorale Artistic Director, Sue Fink Soloists: Annie Mauro, Dominic Patacsil Jane Emmer Music Lyrics: Ruth Moody Arrangement: Chris R. Hansen Video Produced by: Kate Varley Yen King Video Directed by: Jill D Agnenica Director of Photography: Guido Frenzel Editors: Jill D Agnenica, Joe Gabriel, Steven Lambert, Laura McGowen Audio Mixing: Adam Podd Certified ASL Interpreter: Mark Seeger ASL Performers from the Boys Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley: Adolfo, Anthony Tyler From Angel City Chorale s Play It Forward Virtual Concert Used by permission. All Rights Reserved. Filming was done individually or under strict COVID safety protocols. Angel City Chorale is a nonprofit arts organization located in Los Angeles, CA, USA. We could not exist without our generous donors and sponsors. Want to help us make inspiring music and build community