Apex Legends: Thrillseekers Event Official Trailer
There s a new Arenas map on the way, alongside fresh weekly rewards tracks, and new cosmetics in Apex Legends Thrillseekers event. Overflow is a lanefocused Arenas map where each location is separated by tall, lavafilled structures. Players need to stay vigilant before committing to a side, or risk being flanked. While there are opportunities for longrange engagements, combat tends to favour shorttomedium ranges along either POI: Overlook or Slope. Kicking off on July 13 is The Summer Splash Sale, which brings back fanfavourite skinsincluding Youngblood and Voidwalker. All these cosmetics are Event Limited, but they may return in a future event or promotion. Apex Legends Thrillseekers Event kicks off July 13, 2021 and runs until August 3, 2021. , Gaming, ApexLegends