We meet. Poet of the world. Clara Sánchez Pérez, Costa Rica. Встречаем поэта мира из Costa Rica
Clara Sánchez Pérez, Costa Rica Poet. Certified International Cultural Manager. Director of the IberoAmerican Institute of Culture of Central America. The Ambassador of Escola Brazil is ATZILBRAS. Ambassador of the Brazilian International Academy AIAP Clara Sánchez Pérez, Costa Rica Поэт. Сертифицированный Международный Культурный Менеджер. Директор ИбероАмериканского института культуры Центральной Америки. Посол Эскола БразилияАЦИЛБРАС. Посол бразильской Международной академии AIAP Prayer about the Peace Striving for peace, a person lives with all the wars of the world and shouts at all mankind: what is happening to me His merciless bitterness destroys children and the elderly. His dying heart is flowing with rivers of blood. Tears, like rain in the myocardium, fall, piercing us like bullets fired from a heavy machine gun, tearing the world to pieces. The sky spits its fire on the crying of children destroyed by war, on t