Official UN HLPF Side Event, Public Private Action to Combat Corruption
There is a renewed international focus on combating grand corruption. In particular, momentum is building for new accountability and enforcement mechanisms to build more integrity in the public sector. On June 3, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime launched the GlobE Network to strengthen international cooperation in anticorruption efforts, and the G7 Ministers indicated that they will address corruption at the next Ministerial meeting in September 2021. In this context, it is essential that governments, civil society, and the private sector harness this renewed interest in combating corruption and strengthening good governance to move multilateral engagement forward. To facilitate this, we along with Integrity Initiatives International are hosting this official virtual side event to the United Nations HighLevel Political Forum. Welcome: Ms. Maria Fernanda Garza, First Vice Chair, International Chamber of Commerce Ms. Elaine Dezenski, ViceChair, Integrity Initiatives International Session I.