Red Bull BC One Battle X, Germany 2021
Tune in Germany s top breakers go headtohead on June 8, 5PM CEST Check out the lineup of matches: Battle Royale: Flying Steps All Stars vs Team France Flying Steps Lil Zoo, Minzi, Flo, Junior, Lil Ceng Team France Sofian, PacPac, Dany, Lagaet, Sarah Bee Blaze the Guns: Tawfiq Sunni vs. Kid Colombia Shane The Queens Coup: Jilou vs. Madmax Germanys finest: Light ChauLin vs. Double D Artform Red Bull BC One BattleX is a conceptual battle that s by invitation only and held in secret locations all around the world. The selected exhibition battles are curated from the top breakers the host countries have to offer and may or may not have international contenders as opponents. Red Bull BC One BattleX is a throwback to the times where dancers went headtohead to test their skills, without the need for judges. Powered by BMW BMWM Click to Subscribe to BC One: Giving wings to dancers and fans of bboying and bgirling around the world