Tokio Hotel Six Years Of Durch Den Monsun, Monsoon первая их песня
Hey, Any Tokio Hotel fan knows that Durch Den Monsun was the first single from Tokio Hotel and has been recorded and played live many times. Six years from when the song was first released, it has many different versions. It has a german version recorded in 2005 and an English version, recorded in 2007, with an acoustic version in between though that has not been included in this video (though if you listen carefully, you ll hear it at one point. ) It two has an official music videos one for Durch Den Monsun and one for It was played live in German during the Schrei tour in 2006, again in German during the Zimmer 483 tour in 2007 and in English during the Humanoid City tour in 2010. Recently, it has been remixed with Japanese lyrics for the Darkside Of The Sun Japanese release, though i have also not included this in my video. This song is known and loved by all Tokio Hotel fans, and through the different versions, you can see how the band have ev br, br,