Rainy Turtloid Remix Mega Man X6 ( Mega Man Bass Style)
Get ready for more remixes utilizing Mega Man soundfonts, as today, we have our first Mega Man Bassstyled remix with Rainy Turtloid s theme PrincessZelda2020 has made many MM7styled remixes of classic Mega Man themes, but I ve found that there aren t as many remixes in the MM B style, especially when it comes to the X games. So, beginning with this remix, I have made it a mission to begin remixing all of the Maverick themes that I can, mainly in those two styles, but occasionally in others where I best see fit. The original composition is a really jazzy one I enjoy listening to on rainy days, and as Mega Man Bass has a generally jazzier vibe to me in terms of music, I felt that this soundfont was practically made for this theme. I hope you enjoy today s video and look forward to the remixes to come Original composition by Naoto Tanaka. Original MIDI sequenced by King Meteor. Remix created in SynthFont.