Hawk Freedom Squadron: Contest Stage
February 13, 2021 Score: 34662624 Implant: Authority+Recharger+BountyHunter Stage Modifier: Golden Rocket Devices(All S Rank Engine: Seraph Generator x 2 Shield: Rising Sun + Golden Star Weapon: DHD x 2 Rank XXX Bonuses : MainDamage+70, SpecialDamage+76, Recharge+10, Luck+60, Score+25 Using Uranus is likely to give you a slightly higher score than Mars. However, the boss who won at the time of Mars could not win at Uranus. Can I win if I can use my abilities well The boss was defeated by the combination of Mercury + Mars, but the score was 31 MIL. ) ウラヌスを使用するとマーズより少しスコアが高くなりそうです しかしマーズの時は勝てたボスがウラヌスでは勝てなかったです上手く能力を使用出来れば勝てたりするのかな (マーキュリーマーズの組み合わせでボスに勝てましたが3100万でした)