David Wilcock LIVE: I Cant Tell You Any of Because Its Classified
What do the top insiders tell us about underground bases, extraterrestrial life and their presence here on Earth David will take you deep down the rabbit hole of the latest and greatest inside intel. You can also sign up for David s new online course, Sacred Science of the Michael Prophecies, at This is an elevenpart, tenplushour online course in all the best Sacred Science teachings of Archangel Michael that David has fastidiously developed with scientific data over the last 30plus years. David is joined by the Cosmic insider Chris Beskar, CEO of Stavatti Aerospace, for a peer review of this data and the results are eminently watchable and deeply fascinating and inspiring for our future. This course also includes all seven of the Michael Prophecies books, ready to go as deliverables from the moment you sign up just like the elevenpart course with cinematic production value. CRYPTO NOGO: Please b